The Prevalence of Subluxation of the Occipital-Atlanto-Axial Complex in a Population Seeking Chiropractic Care.
/Paying attention to numbers matters
Abstract by Brigette Bowler BA DC
Background: During a presentation at the International Research and Philosophy Symposium (IRAPS) at Sherman College in 2015, a group of orthospinologists were discussing a grant application to the National Institute of Health. During the interview, they were asked: "What is the prevalence of vertebral subluxation?" Having studied public health as part of my bachelor degree at Rutgers I decided to keep track of each patient that checked clear of subluxation at the Occipital-Atlanto-Axial Complex (OAA) from the inception of my practice. This paper is a report of those findings.
Methods: Using eight data points to determine the presence of OAA subluxation, each time a new patient exam turned up zero positive data points the person was not accepted as a patient. A simple tabulation on a piece of paper was maintained throughout the 29 years of practice in the same location. Only patients over the age of 18 were included.
Discussion: Out of 11,000 consultations, 122 women and 111 men have presented for an initial exam and have checked free of OAA subluxation. This calculates as roughly 99% of patients seeking care at Essential Chiropractic did have a subluxation at the OAA.
Conclusion: Can this data be extrapolated to show the prevalence of OAA subluxation in the general population at large? No. More practitioners would have to use the same data points and find a way to check the general population. Epidemiology is defined as a branch of medicine that deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases and other factors relating to health.[1] Tabulating the presence of subluxation regardless of symptoms is a form of salutogenic epidemiology.
[1] Google dictionary