EDUCATION: If you have a hammer everything is a nail!

As many of you know my true love is educating people. I have studied the Human Life Cycle as a biologist and an Upper Cervical Chiropractor for 30+ years now and I have a new course to teach.

It will be at the office from 11:00am till 1:00pm on Saturdays once a month. The class size is limited to 10 participants. Call the front desk and leave your name and number and Brigette will approve your participation. This class is for longstanding practice members.

The first of the 3 Saturday classes will be held February 1, 2025. Participants may choose to continue to class #2 on March 1, and class #3 on April 5.

This 3 Saturday schedule will continue with class #1 on February 8, class #2 on March 8 and class #3 on April 12

The third grouping of this 3 class module will start on class #1 on February 15, with class #2 on March 15 and class #3 on April 19th.

The fee for this teaching is $75.00 per class. You must attend the first one and if you know you want all three classes the fee is discounted, full course for $200.00.

The content of the course is alluded to in the Blog titled Brigette is Back! It will be a question answer format like my visits are. The objective is to share my experiential knowledge of how best to decide who can help you when you are facing a dilemma interfering with your full expression of vitality. We will compare and contrast the Healthcare Industry’s offerings and recommendations spanning the Mechanistic Medical Model and the Vitalistic Holistic Model which has developed in this country over the last century. We will come from the perspective of Structural Hygiene and its’ philosophical underpinnings. The objective for the participants is a greater understanding of patient responsibility, using intuition and discernment in choosing options to increase your and your families’ expression of vitality.

Call the front desk to apply for registration. Fees will be collected at the class presentation. Reserve your spot!

Update on Brigette's self healing adventure!

After resisting medical treatment for the condition described above, I’ve admitted I don’t know, what I don’t know. A big one for a “know it all” like me. Therefore I’ve decided to proceed with medical treatment. Lessons involving humility are always profound teachings about self.

I will be out of the office for the for-seeable future. Tentatively surgery is scheduled in October. The Oncologist tells me I may feel better with chemo, we will find out. If so, I would make myself available to do crainiosacral on existing practice members for a few shifts a week. That question can be answered at the front desk.

Your prayers and positive vibes are received in my heart of hearts. I greatly appreciate all the love expressed to me in the office just because I am semi-retired! I imagine the love I’ve experienced over the past 18 months will be magnified by this momentous teaching. My knowledge base is being expanded by Divine Intervention. I look forward to sharing everything I’ve learned through this experience once I’ve courageously made it through the eye of the needle and return to teaching in my practice of Structural Hygiene for the Developing Human.

Thank you for your attention,


Hello All! Brigette here for an update

The continuation of Essential Chiropractic and the evolution of Structural Hygiene has gone smoothly in the first year of transition ending February 1, 2024. As many of you know, Dr. Emily and Tim purchased the practice and are doing an outstanding job running the business end of the practice. Their skills as health professionals practicing Structural Hygiene are excellent and the practice will continue another 30 years.

How am I enjoying retirement is a question many of you have so I decided to answer it here to avoid wasting time in an office visit with me which should be focused on you.

I love letting go of the admin duties and feel blessed to come in two days a week and do what I love to do: check spines and counsel people with their head on straight. What an honor!

As many retirees do, I am focusing on my health and have discovered that a cystic condition that I overcame in the year 2000 has been slowly returning for 23 years… For this reason, I don’t think the large cysts found when I requested an ultrasound in April of 2023 are malignant. I believe they are benign sequestering mucoid encapsulation of bacteria. What some people with the Paget’s disease in their lineage do as an immune response. That is farfetched for any Medical professional to wrap their head around, but I’m sticking to my story.

I have worked diligently with alternatives to the medical model to increase my vitality and detach the cysts from my organs, (mostly bowel and bladder) so that an abdominal surgery to remove them would go as smoothly as possible. I am curious and excited to overcome a serious health challenge at 64 years old because when I did it at 40 years old it made me so much smarter about how the human body is always doing its best and how we can help our bodies excel.

I will continue to update the blog so that we don’t have to discuss this on office visits.

Thank you for your attention.

The Prevalence of Subluxation of the Occipital-Atlanto-Axial Complex in a Population Seeking Chiropractic Care.

Paying attention to numbers matters

Paying attention to numbers matters

Abstract by Brigette Bowler BA DC

Background:  During a presentation at the International Research and Philosophy Symposium (IRAPS) at Sherman College in 2015, a group of orthospinologists  were discussing a grant application to the National Institute of Health.  During the interview, they were asked: "What is the prevalence of vertebral subluxation?" Having studied public health as part of my bachelor degree at Rutgers I decided to keep track of each patient that checked clear of subluxation at the Occipital-Atlanto-Axial Complex (OAA) from the inception of my practice.  This paper is a report of those findings. 

Methods: Using eight data points to determine the presence of OAA subluxation, each time a new patient exam turned up zero positive data points the person was not accepted as a patient. A simple tabulation on a piece of paper was maintained throughout the 29 years of practice in the same location. Only patients over the age of 18 were included.

Discussion:  Out of 11,000 consultations, 122 women and 111 men have presented for an initial exam and have checked free of OAA subluxation. This calculates as roughly 99% of patients seeking care at Essential Chiropractic did have a subluxation at the OAA.

Conclusion:  Can this data be extrapolated to show the prevalence of OAA subluxation in the general population at large? No. More practitioners would have to use the same data points and find a way to check the general population. Epidemiology is defined as a branch of medicine that deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases and other factors relating to health.[1] Tabulating the presence of subluxation regardless of symptoms is a form of salutogenic epidemiology.

[1] Google dictionary

A Review of Complementary and Alternative Medicine with a Concentration on Ayurveda Acupuncture and Chiropractic

Finally, a college thesis addressing our human right to access true health care.

Defining health care as the practices and choices which lead to the delivery of healthy babies into the world, growing vital and strong children, who grow into young adults who have respect for natural law and sustainable living.

Chance Boyer explores complementary and alternative medicine focusing on Ayurveda, Acupuncture, and Chiropractic. His thesis draws the conclusion that vitalistic or holistic natural approaches to health care should not be invalidated because they do not fit into the recent change in scientific research called evidence based medicine.

Citizens should have the ability to choose according to their own worldview.

You can visit the paper on our Facebook page by visiting here!

Please read and comment.